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* Obligatory for full-time participants.

MONDAY (2nd October)

9:00 - 9:20 - Opening ceremony*

9:20 - 9:40 - Dankó Zoltán (OTP Bank): Innovation and development in the era of the Digital age*

9:40 - 10:00 - Project task handout.*

10:00 - 11:45 - Asztalos Áron & Lotfi Majid (OTP Bank): Average income prediction by location using Machine Learning in Python*

14:30 - 18:00 - Horváth András: Demonstations and presentations supporting the workshop project task*

  • What is machine learning
  • Classification and regression problems
  • Step to solve practical problems: Data collection, Filtering and analysis, Model building, Model validation, Cross- validation
  • Examples of machine learning models for regression : Gradient tree boosting, Neural Networks etc...

TUESDAY (3rd October)

PCF (People Come First) - Data Mining day

9:00 - 11:00 - Balázs Hodossy (PCF): Data science: The place of data science in Big Data, data analization methods, prediction basics, SQL, a little Python

  • A practice based approach to the foundations of BigData
  • History of datascience
  • Foundations of statistics and probability (among others: useful probabilistic ideas, possible errors in model construction)
  • Introduction to the tools used in BigData analysis (In Python 3.6 and SQL; No prior knowledge of SQL is required and minimal previous Python experience is enough.)
  • Python 3.6 is required

11:30 - 13:30 - Thinking together: simple exercises helping to understand the practical and theoretical aspects of the methodology of data processing
  • Several exercises to be solved in groups of 5-6 people and then a short presentation of the ideas found.
14:30 - 18:00 Data analysis workshop
  • A 3.5 hour-long coding session
  • Several different exercises in BigData analysis (textual or graphic data)
  • Exercises to be solved in groups
  • The lecturer will be at Your disposal for questions
  • Python 3.6 is required

WEDNESDAY (4th October)

10:15 - 11:00: Nagy András (OTP Bank): Neural networks and gpu, how to work with learning algorithms in a DevOps approach
11:00 - 11:45: I. Horváth István (Eutecus HU Kft.): Video and Data Analytics for Smart City Applications
II. Botos Csaba (Eutecus HU Kft.): Generative Deep Learning Models

12:00 - 13:00: Judit Villányi (Starschema): Data visualization with Tableau/ How to create nice decision supporting visualization fast - Hero video

14:00 - 15:00 - Zoltán Kurai (Black Swan): Social media text analization

  • Text analization/ text mining
  • Social media as BigData
  • One application: Show me your tweets and I will tell you where you live!

THURSDAY (5th October)

9:00 - ∞ (as you wish) - Hackathon: Working on the workshop project task.*

FRIDAY (6th October)

11:00 - 13:00 - Presentation of the projects.*

13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch at Benczur House

14:00 - 15:00 - Closing ceremony and awards.



The lectures and practical session of The Big Data Theory Workshop is going to take place at the OTP Fáy András Foundation.


OTP Fáy András Foundation

1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 26.



Head organizers:

Dániel Bényei

Kinga Mészáros

Dominika Nagy

Academics coordinator:

József Mák


"Without big data, you are blind and deaf
in the middle of a freeway"
Geoffrey Moore, management consultant and theorist


Main Sponsor:

OTP Bank
Owing to economic and legal considerations OTP Group provides its universal financial services through several subsidiaries. In Hungary traditional banking operations are performed by the Bank while specialized services, including car leasing, investment funds are developed and offered by the Bank's subsidiaries. Insurance claims of OTP Group clients are supplied by sales of insurance products with strategic collaboration with french insurance company, Groupama, after its OTP Garancia aqutision.

Other partners

Black Swan
Data is not just for boffins - Black Swan makes it accessible to people in all sorts of professional roles, so they can solve their marketing, efficiency, supply and demand problems. To do this Black Swan create products that work, look great and are easy to use. The team is always looking to innovate and disrupt the market, bringing together their consumer research specialists, information architects, marketing strategists and creative geniuses to help their clients to solve real problems.

People Come First
People Come First is an association with the purpose to develop a community of IT experts that will contribute to the professional prosperity of the members, to promote information technology, and to invest in professional and industry principles. Informatics is developing rapidly, thus it can only keep up with continuous learning and self-education. By organizing the transfer of knowledge, PCF’s aim is to give members the opportunity for continuous professional development and to create an environment that enables companies and experts or those who have similar goals and ideas to find one and another.

Eutecus Hu, Sensity System
Sensity System - a Verizon company, headquartered in Sunnyvale, California - by embedding networking technology and sensors within LED luminaires themselves, the company uses energy-efficient LED lighting as the foundation for its turnkey NetSense platform, the first Light Sensory Network implementation. By working closely with developers of software applications and services that run on the NetSense platform, Sensity enables facility and municipal lighting owners to link energy efficiency and cost savings to the improvement of business goals as diverse as public safety, parking control, asset management, and retail analytics. Sensity is the first company that has assembled all the relevant technology expertise, process integration know-how, and strong partnerships required to make the Light Sensory Network a reality.

Starschema is a Budapest-based tech entity where petabytes of data are crunched and refined for trusting Fortune 500 companies. Already a first-class player on the Business Intelligence scene, as the company has a long standing history of excellence in the areas of big data, dataviz, data science and architecture.

We are Starschema. We play big data.

If you are facing any business challenge that is ruining the profits and the whole work environment in terms of customer satisfaction, Netlife is your company to contact with! Let them know and they will be more than glad to provide an expert support in the form of strategic business solutions. Netlife provides a wide range of services in implementation and support of SAP system. They also provide web application development services by creating cutting-edge web applications for businesses and individuals enabling them to solve their business requirements online. One of the most evolving part of Netlife is mobile development as they offer a wide range of innovative mobile application solutions from Android to iOS, and they are especially experienced in the fields of SAP mobile solutions and CRM mobile applications (BeeCRM).

The Big Data Theory Workshop

What is this?

Goal of our workshop

Big Data experts and Data Scientists have ineludibile roles in developing large databases offering effective storage, quick access and efficient analysis. This process is getting more and more difficult by the day. There are many successful solutions already in industrial use, but finding the right one for the problem in question is a task that requires deep understanding of the field. Our organisation, Electrical Engineering Students' European Association Local Comittee Budapest would like to organise a one-week workshop to introduce Big Data and Data Science for our participants. Our event will

  • offer a comprehensive picture on Data science, Data mining, and Machine Learning
  • demonstrate the process of handling wast amount of data and finding patterns at the same time.
  • provide Hands-on project task by the largest bank in Hungary
Moreover, our purpose is to offer a general way of thinking for the participants so that they find their challenges in this field.

About the workshop

The workshop will consist of four different programme blocks.

Participants will learn about the various areas of Big Data during the lectures in the morning. They will also be divided into teams to work together on the given project task. At the end of the workshp, each group will present its results and solutions for the problem.

There are several options for participation. The selected EESTEC participants will be divided into teams of 3. Hungarian students can apply to join these teams, or to form their own.

You don't have a team? Don't worry, we will find one for you!

Number of participants

14 international students were selected from other EESTEC Local Committees based on prior registration.

Besides them, several Hungarian electrical engineering and IT students with active student status will have the chance to attend the morning lectures. They will also be selected based on prior registration.


How can I participate?

International Participants

For International Participants we only accept members of EESTEC. The selection process is over, the lucky ones are already planning their travels to Budapest :)

Hungarian Participants

For Hungarian Participants you only need to fill the Eventbrite form. Be quick, we have only 30 spots!



MAVEEESTEC LC BUDAPEST is an NGO founded by university students in 1986. The organization was formed with the aim to support the professional development of students (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) attending higher education and help them acquire knowledge that broadens their horizons. As an NGO we have been at work for decades to help the development of connections among students, universities and companies. Our main goal is to create opportunities for future engineers to reach their potential in academic, professional and social life.

A few examples of the local committee’s activity:

  • Challenge24 - International 24-hour Programming Contest
  • BeeSmarter - 24-hour Smartphone Programming Team Contest
  • TANDEM' - Technology AND DEsign in Motion - International workshop
  • 'CIS' - Computer Integrated Surgery - International workshop
  • ITPiknik - An open-air and informal job fair
  • SAP – „Introduction into the mysteries of SAP development” - seminar series

MAVE is a founding member of the NGO EESTEC (Electrical Engineering Students’ European assoCiation), which currently consists of 52 local committees across Europe with a membership of 4000 students. Thanks to this we can not only reach Hungarian IT and engineering students, but also numerous talented individuals from other nations in Europe and we already have experience in organizing large-scale international events

Throughout our history we have collaborated with several Hungarian universities (BUTE, ELTE, MOME, UO, PPCU, SOTE) and our events are periodically supported by various local and international companies (Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, SAP, Hungarian Telekom, Fornax, NNG, Siemens, Skype, EPAM, Ericsson, Morgan Stanley, etc.)